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VIDA is one of nine programs included in the Administration for Children and Families’ Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education (PACE) Evaluation conducted by Abt Associates. The study used an experimental design in which program applicants were assigned at random to a group that could access VIDA (the treatment group) or to a group that could not access the program but could enroll in other programs and services in the community (the control group)

-Findings from the Implementation and Early Impact Report*, May 2019

*Click on the first page, below, to read the evaluation in its entirety

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

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Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Programs to Support Job Training Success Innovations to Address Unmet Needs

VIDA was one of only eight organizations in the United States featured in this study focusing on strategies used to serve job training participants in addressing key unmet needs. IWPR studied programs that provide an array of strategies for serving participants in job training programs and employ innovative methods for addressing unmet needs. VIDA’s model of connecting underserved adult populations seeking a post-secondary education with support services demonstrates how important they are to program completion.

Thanks to support services such as child care, transportation, and financial assistance, as well as referrals for other services, students are able to focus and successfully complete their certification or college degree needed to obtain a family sustaining employment.

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Job Training + Supportive Services = Greater Likelihood of Success 

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research reports the critical effects of support services on college students’ future. With support services such as transportation assistance, child care, and intensive case management, students are more likely to get a job after successfully completing their educational attainment.

Without support services along a student’s educational path their constant worry about their financial situation consumes them and causes them to lose focus in school and consequently drop out of their educational training.

Mark Elliott and Anne Roder Economic Mobility Corporation

Escalating Gains: Project QUEST’S Sectoral Strategy Pays Off 

Our sister organization in San Antonio, Project Quest, took part in a randomized controlled trial study. For ten years, the program’s impact on participants’ earnings was assessed.

Findings demonstrate that Project Quest has proven that investing in underserved individuals can move people out of poverty. By providing assistance such as tuition, books, transportation, and other personal expenses, students are able to obtain the high-demand, high-wage careers they need for economic mobility.